Relationship for attraction,romance and longing with age difference!
It is very interesting to note that
many times people develop a relationship with either people much older
than they are or with people much younger than they are. This applies to
individuals of either sex. Though this kind of relationship is not very
common, we do find such relationships in our society. The question is
what drives such alliances? In some poor families where the poor parents
almost sell their young daughters for material gains in the guise of a
relationship. That is purely exploitation. In some other cases it could
be exploitation by muscle power. In other cases it is purely by mutual
attraction and consent.
I would like to exclude such cases
driven by exploitation and focus on relationships developed between two
mature individuals with mutual consent for the current scope of study.
Most likely, in such cases, the decisions are likely to be emotionally
driven than anything else. Obviously, Moon should play an important role
here. Also, such people break the norms of the society, go ahead and
demonstrate that they are different. Undoubtedly, one could imagine the
influence of Rahu in such situations. I also wanted to look for the
combinations for love marriage showing up as these relationships are
usually developed between them rather than arranged. Another key player
would be Saturn. Saturn is the planet that represents aging.
Care should be taken to observe the
common practices in that society, I mean consider desha, kaala and
patra. For example, 50-60 years ago, it was a matter of practice in many
societies in India to have huge age difference between the couple;
husbands were generally much older than their wives. Even my father is
12 years older than my mother. They got married during the year 1940.
Such a case is not an anomaly in their society at that time and hence
does not fall in the special category under study.
While studying horoscopes of some
individuals who had relationship with either much younger or much older
than their age, initially I tried to focus on 7H / 7L and navamsha etc.
But, I failed to notice any clear pattern emerging. Later, I started
looking at Upapada Lagna (UL). It is then I started seeing a pattern. I
have put down the details of this pattern below.
I have observed the following
combinations in charts for developing a relationship with people either
much younger or much older than themselves:
Combinations for Love Marriage/Relationship: 7th lord having a relationship with 3rd house/Lord or 5th house/lord -
Rahu influences UL or UL lord or Moon -
Moon influences UL or UL lord -
Saturn influences UL or UL lord -
Such a relationship develops during MD/AD of Rahu, Moon, Saturn or the UL lord
Majority of these combinations can be traced
in charts of people having developed such relationships. I couldn’t
really differentiate between the charts of people who marry much younger
people as against charts of people who marry much older people. Hence,
one could say that people with these combinations don’t seem to care
about the age of the partner. It could be a very insignificant factor to
them. They might be thinking “After all Gold is Gold, don’t care if it
is old or new”! However, I can present one clue - If Saturn has the
strongest influence on the UL, the native develops a relationship with
people who are much older. Where as when Moon has the strongest
influence on the UL, it can go either way. Probably, the clue to this is
from a Shloka in Phaladeepika of Mantreshwara - Chater 2, shloka 8.
Here Mantreshwara describes Moon to be both old as well as young.
1. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Though Ashton Kutcher is Demi Moore’s third husband, this relationship is of interest for the reasons that Ashton is 15 years younger to her and more interestingly this relationship developed during Demi Moore’s Vimshottari period Rahu-Moon and they got married during Rahu-Mars period. Note that Moon is the dispositor for both Rahu and Mars! The relationship began during 2003 and they got married during September 2005 [1][2]. This is the chart of Demi Moore:
1. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher
Though Ashton Kutcher is Demi Moore’s third husband, this relationship is of interest for the reasons that Ashton is 15 years younger to her and more interestingly this relationship developed during Demi Moore’s Vimshottari period Rahu-Moon and they got married during Rahu-Mars period. Note that Moon is the dispositor for both Rahu and Mars! The relationship began during 2003 and they got married during September 2005 [1][2]. This is the chart of Demi Moore:
- Rahu influences Moon
- Moon and Saturn aspect both UL and UL lord Venus
- Saturn aspects UL
- 7th lord Sun is with 5th lord Mercury and is aspected by 3rd lord Mars
- Relationship developed during Rahu-Moon period and they got married during Rahu-Mars period. Mars is disposited by Moon.

- Rahu influences Moon, also occupies nakshatra of Moon who is the UL lord as well
- Moon owns UL and also aspects UL.
- Saturn being in Nakshatra parivartna with Ketu, influences UL through Ketu.
- 7th lord Mars is in 3rd and being aspected by both 3rd lord Moon and 5th lord Mercury.
Note: When I
say Rahu influences Moon, I am not saying that Rahu is aspecting Moon.
Instead, what I believe is that Rahu and Ketu influence the tatwa they
are sitting in. Here Rahu is sitting in earth tatwa. Thereby, it
influences all earth tatwa signs and planets in them including Moon in
Capricorn. Similarly Ketu is sitting in Jala tatwa hence influences the
jala tatwa sings and planets sitting in them including UL in Cancer.
2. A Couple from Kerala with an age difference of about 22 years!
Here is a case of a man, who happened to marry second time after divorcing the first wife. The interesting part is that in both marriages, the wives were much younger to him. The first wife was 12 years younger to him and the second wife is 22 years younger to him. Both marriages were love marriages! He has a daughter from the first wife. I don’t have the chart of the first wife though. I will be presenting the charts of the man and his second wife. It is very interesting to note that he has Moon sitting in his UL and his second wife has Saturn occupying her UL! He is a 1965 born male and the first marriage took place during 1997 with a 19 year old girl and the second marriage took place during November 2007, again with a 19 year old girl! The second wife happens to be a highly talented girl with some literary publications to her credit already at a young age of 19! Let us look at the charts:
First the lady's chart:

2. A Couple from Kerala with an age difference of about 22 years!
Here is a case of a man, who happened to marry second time after divorcing the first wife. The interesting part is that in both marriages, the wives were much younger to him. The first wife was 12 years younger to him and the second wife is 22 years younger to him. Both marriages were love marriages! He has a daughter from the first wife. I don’t have the chart of the first wife though. I will be presenting the charts of the man and his second wife. It is very interesting to note that he has Moon sitting in his UL and his second wife has Saturn occupying her UL! He is a 1965 born male and the first marriage took place during 1997 with a 19 year old girl and the second marriage took place during November 2007, again with a 19 year old girl! The second wife happens to be a highly talented girl with some literary publications to her credit already at a young age of 19! Let us look at the charts:
First the lady's chart:

- Rahu influences UL lord Jupiter and also influences Moon’s sign Cancer.
- Moon's dispositor in UL
- Saturn occupies UL
- 7th lord Venus is with 3rd lord Mercury and 5th lord Sun is in 7th lord’s nakshatra
- Relationship developed during Moon MD and they got married during Moon-Mer-Moon period.
Next, her husband:

- Rahu influences Moon, occupies UL, disposits Saturn and influences UL lord Venus
- Moon occupies UL
- Saturn’s dispositer is in the UL
- Relationship between 7th, 3rd and 5th lords not seen. Hence, I guess the affair is mostly driven by the lady
- Relationship developed and marriage happened during Jup-Sat period. AD lord Saturn is disposited by Rahu.
3. A Sri Lankan couple with an age difference of 18 years!
They got married when the man was about 48 years old (his first marriage!) and the lady was about 30 years old. The man delayed his marriage due to early death of his father and having to take up family responsibilities. They have adopted a child. The marriage took place during December 1992.

They got married when the man was about 48 years old (his first marriage!) and the lady was about 30 years old. The man delayed his marriage due to early death of his father and having to take up family responsibilities. They have adopted a child. The marriage took place during December 1992.

- Rahu in Moon’s house Cancer and is with UL lord Jupiter
- Moon occupies UL and is in parivartana with UL lord Jupiter
- Saturn aspects UL
- 7th lord Jupiter is with 3rd lord Mars and conjunct Rahu who is in the nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn
- Marriage took place during Rah-Sun-Moon period
And his wife:

- Rahu in Moon’s house Cancer and is co-lord of UL
- Moon occupies UL and is in parivartana with UL co-lord Rahu
- Saturn is co-lord of UL
- 7th lord Mercury is aspected by 3rd co-lord Saturn and influenced by 3rd co-lord Rahu. Mercury is also in the nakshatra of 3rd co-lord Saturn. Direct influence of 5th lord on 7th lord is not seen. Hence, for this lady, this marriage could be more of an agreement and not necessarily resulted by a love affair.
- Marriage took place during Jup-Moon-Jup period. Note that both Moon and Jupiter are disposited by Rahu
4. Uma Thurman:
Though I don’t have the charts of her partners, it is very interesting to even just look at her chart alone.
Uma has Saturn in the UL of her Rasi
Chart. She has been through multiple relationships. In at least three
relationships, her partners are much older than her. Some info. From
Wikipedia [3]:
While living in London to avoid
the Dangerous Liaisons hype, she began dating director Phil Joanou, who
had just produced U2’s movie Rattle and Hum in 1988. While visiting the
set of his latest project, State Of Grace, she met English actor Gary
Oldman. The two hit it off immediately and were married in 1990, but the
marriage only lasted two years, reportedly caused by the little time
they spent together due to their busy acting schedules.
currently resides in Hyde Park, New York. In 2004, she began dating New
York hotelier Andre Balazs. At one point, they lived in a loft
apartment in New York City's SoHo neighborhood, down the street from
Balazs’s Mercer Hotel.
All the three gentlemen referred to in
the above paragraphs are much older to her. Phil Joanou is about 9
years older, Gary Oldman is about 12 years older and Andre Balaraz is 13
years older than her! The first two relationships happened during Rahu
MD. The third one happened during Moon AD!
Looking her chart is even more
interesting. She has leo lagna. Her UL (Aries) lord Mars has nakshatra
parivartana with Moon. Saturn occupies UL. 7th lord Saturn is in the
nakshatra of 3rd lord Venus and is aspected by 5th lord Jupiter.
Her birth details are as follows:
Birthday: April 29, 1970; Time of birth: 13:51; Place of birth: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
5. Rupert & Anna Murdoch
This is a very interesting couple. Rupert married very young women and Anna married very old men.
First to Rupert Murdoch's chart:
Please notice the following combination in his chart:
- UL falls in Cancer owned by Moon
- Rahu influences UL being at a trine from it
- Saturn is con junct UL lord Moon
I dont have any information on the age
of the first wife Patricia whom he married in 1956 (Venus MD). But, his
other two marriages were to much younger ladies. His second wife Anna
is 13 years younger to him. They married during his Moon MD and her
Saturn AD period! Next, he married a Chinese lady who is 38 years
younger to him! This happened in his Jup-Jup period. Please notice that
Jupiter disposits both Moon and Rahu in his chart!
In case of Anna, the chart has the following combination:
- Moon sits in UL
- Rahu sits in Moon's house Cancer
- Saturn is conjunct UL lord Venus
We have already seen that she
first married Rupert Murdoch who is 13 years older than her. Next, after
divorcing him, she married William Mann who is 27 years older than her!
She married him during Mer-Mer period in October 1999. Interestingly,
Mercury is conjunct UL lord Venus as well as is the dispostor of UL lord
Birth details: Rupert Murdoch - March 11, 1931 - 23:59 hrs, Melbourne, AustraliaAnna Murdoch - June 30, 1944 - 8:40 hrs, Bridge of Allan, UK
One can find many more examples like this if more time and energy are put into work. Lack of authentic birth details prevent from studying many more charts of interest. I present some more cases quickly here. Please note that I have looked at the charts of people whose names appear in red and found the combination I have described in their charts:
- Clint Eastwood’s second wife Dina Ruiz is 35 years younger to him. They got married on March 31, 1996 which is during Moon-Sat period for Clint and it was Moon-Moon period for Dina!
- Donald Trump, an American business magnet, married Melania Knauss who is 24 years younger to him, on January 22, 2005. This is Rah-Sat period for him. His ex-wife Ivana Trump is rumoured to have a relationship with Rossano Rubican who is 23 years younger to her.
- Larry King of TV fame married Shawn Southwick who is 26 years younger to him on September 5, 1997, as his 7th wife! This was during Rah-Sun-Moon period for him.
- Tony Randall, an American actor in comic roles, at the age of 75, married Heather Harlan who is 50 years younger to him! The marriage took place on November 17, 1995. This is during Mer-Rah-Sat period for him.
- Miceal Douglas married Catherine Zeta-Jones who is 25 years younger to him on November 18, 2000. That is Rah-Ven period for him and Mer-Sat period for her!
Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes who is 16 years younger to him on November 18, 2006. This was Ven-Rah period for him.
To conclude, it appers that UL plays a
very important role in the relationships of an individual. It would be
interesting to take up other facets of a relationship using the factors
associated with UL.
Last, but not least, I would like to
thank Mr. Madhu Nair, Ms. Renu and Mr. Sreeram Srinivas for providing a
few interesting charts to help this study. And of course, thanks to
loads and loads on info. on celebrities over the internet, specially in
References: [1]
Hello Sudhakar, I am not sure if this discussion is still active or not. This was one question which I was trying to figure out and came to your post. Based on your approach, I identified my UL, but couldn't see most pattern in my UL chart or any relation in D1 chart with my UL chart. In normal scenario it doesn't bother me. But I'v been told about this with so much confidence by 4 different sources that I got puzzled and started to dig more about it. One source is Nadi Leave readings. I have been told that It's going to be much younger than me, may be 12-15 years (22-28 Years of age), I'm almost 41 now,Divorced. It almost happened but I had to let it go. But i'm not getting the clue how it is possible? Care to throw some light on this? I can share my details then if interested. Thanks.
ReplyDeletei guess you may be rite , since uppada is 12th pada which is secret desire seen by others has malefic effect . that means taboo i guess, but need to be tested correctly. As you know astrolgy is like statistic , we can make up anything ( like karunas comedy of auto mirror) and more important the population should be correct .
ReplyDelete1) most of your example are westerner (crazy ppl) their most life is taboo to us but not for them . so being said that their taboo is our normal so they should idealy had a better marriage i mean ideal one.
2) also this rule states that cannot be concluded on few indian horoscope where they had odd marriage.
3) we need to pick only one horoscope and deduce ( not supported by other) to confirm his or her desire to taboo...
long story short , nice work needs more proof based on better population and assement. hopefully you understand my crtics or you can think i'm fool
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ReplyDeleteDear Sirs,Please check when shall I get married. My Jupitor is on Virgo ascendant with Saturn. Both are retrograde.
ReplyDeleteDate of Birth: 10 February 1981 Tuesday
Time of Birth: 21:43 (=09:43 PM), Indian Standard Time
Place of Birth: Bhubaneswar (Orissa), India
Latitude: 20.13N Longitude: 85.50E
Gender : Male ; Marital Status : Single
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