SUN’s Transit over the following Natal planets
Natal Sun :
Success, vitality
Natal Moon :
Travel to Father, Father gets blame
Natal Mar :
Blood defect for the native, Hindrance to the brothers
Natal Mer : Father’s gain in
lands, Success in commercial field , meetings with
Natal Jup :
Status, contact with noble person,
cooperation from cultured persons
Natal Ven : Marriage, fond of sex, wife suggestion, ill-health,
financial difficulties to
Natal Sat :
Lack of confidence, financial difficulties, unnecessary blame
Natal Ra :
Gain in speculation, laziness to father
Natal Ke :
worry through children, native’s father will have divine thoughts
MOON’s transit over the following natal planets
Natal Sun :
Change of residence, good for operation, travel to father
Natal Moon :
Opposite to sex relations
Natal Mar : Mental unrest , Mother will become stubborn, travel for
native brother
and if the native
is Female, travel for husband.
Natal Mer : Lady uterine trouble, monitory loss in the field of
commerce, unnecessary
blame to the native
Natal Jup :
Travel, desire for learning, contract with women, happy celebrations
Natal Ven :
Debts, ill health to wife
Natal Sat : Change of place, love with old people, unnecessary blame,
expenditure of
money, no mental peace.
Natal Ra : Women play vital role in life, change to mother mental
hallucination for
the native
Natal Ke :
Difference of opinion with parents, ill health to mother
MAR’s transit over the following natal planets
Natal Sun : Fever, mental tension, stubbornness, son gets wounded,
problems due
to anger, harassment
by enemies in career and the native is found,
husband’s behavior
is egoistic manner
Natal Moon : Mothers ill health, operation, travel , prospects for
brother, mental
anxiety, haste and
fickle mindedness
Natal Mar :
Accidents, increased energy
Natal Mer : Trouble by enemies – unrest, lack of mental peace, dispute
with blood
relatives, friends,
husband meets his intimate friends
Natal Jup : B.P, excess heat, danger from fire, stubbornness,
hastiness, good time
for husband
Natal Ven : Husbands financial gain, contacts with blood relations and
Natal Sat :
Accidents, harrassment to the native from enemies and financial loss
Natal Ra :
Over sex, death of brother
Natal Ke :
Desire for power
MERCURY’s transit over the following natal planets
Natal Sun :
Friends help to father
Natal Moon :
Blames, uneasiness through women or girl friend, travel
Natal Mar : Dispute with brothers, friends, skin ailments, bone
disorder, dispute with
father-in-law and
maternal uncle. If the native is female
husband meets
Natal Mer :
Strengthen all matters at birth
Natal Ven : Gain of treasure, property, conduct with intimate
friends, happiness and
celebrations at home
Natal Sat :
Gain in business, gain of lands, cooperation from friends
Natal Ra :
Good talent in communication, skin ailments
Natal Ke :
Unfavourable time
JUPITER’s transit over the following natal planets
Natal Sun :
Promotion, cooperation
Natal Moon :
Change of residence, ill health due to cold
Natal Mar :
Houses, staus
Natal Mer :
Houses, gain of land, new knowledge
Natal Jup :
Name and fame, birth of son
Natal Venus :
Marriage, wealth, birth of daughter
Natal Sat :
Gets job, promotion , smooth going
period in carrier
Natal Rah :
Operation, discontinuation of studies, death, abortion.
Natal Ket :
Gives divine knowledge to the native, ill health to native
VENUS’s transit over the following natal planets
Natal Sun : Financial gain to father
Natal Moon : Loss of money, ill health to wife or daughter, mental unrest
, financial
dispute among the
female inmates of the house
Natal Mar :
Gain to brother , residence to native , wife may become pregnant,
marriage if the native is a
female she will get cooperation from husband,
financial gain to husband,
hindrance to the native’s financial propsects
Natal Mer :
Treasure, gain of landed property
Natal Jup : Financial gain, misunderstanding in the family, acquiring
luxurious goods,
happiness and
celebrations at home
Natal Ven :
Natal Sat :
Celebration at home, financial gain
Natal Rah :
Marriage, hard time to wife
Natal Ket :
SATURN’s transit over to the following natal planets
Natal Sun : Ill
health to father, dispute between father and son, trouble by Govt.
Natal Moon :
Astrology, unnecessary blame to the native, ill health to mother,
expenditure, mental unrest
Natal Mars :
Trouble by enemies, unrest, gain of landed property
Natal Mer :
Gain of land, good time for education,
Natal Jup :
Change of profession, gets job or promotion, gastric trouble
Natal Ven :
Marriage, acquiring property
Natal Sat :
Natal Rah :
Death in the house
Natal Ket :
Litigation, dispute, aimlessness, visiting holy places, financial loss
RAHU’s transit over
the following natal planets
Natal Sun : Ill
health problem to son,
Natal Moon :
Danger to mother , fear complex to native
Natal Mar :
Accidents, blood defects, operation (surgery)
Natal Mer :
Skin diseases, purchase of new vehicle, fear complex to native
Natal Jup :
Accident, death in the family, black
mark develops on the face,
Natal Venus : Break
in income, ill health to wife, hidden treasury
Natal Sat :
Performing lost rites , purchase of vehicle , laziness
Natal Rah :
Stomach disorder
Natal Ketu :
Obstruction in good deeds
KETU’s transit over the following natal planets:
Natal Sun :
Meeting holy persons
Natal Moon :
Divine contemplation, ill health to mother, blood pressure
Natal Mars :
Worries to brothers, blood pressure, nerves debility to brother
Natal Mer :
Dispute with girl friend/boy friend, litigation, poor memory
Natal Jup :
Divine contemplation, nerves debility, ill health
Natal Ven : The
native becomes victim to a lady
Natal Sat :
Litigation, dispute, aimlessness and quitting the job
Natal Rah :
Loose motions
Natal Ketu :
Misunderstanding in family.